Bescherm jezelf tegen schade

Met een goede autoverzekering voorkom je een hoop ellende wanneer:

  • Je hoog oplopende kosten krijgt indien je schade bij andere aanricht
  • Je materiële of letselschade aanricht bij anderen
  • Je schade krijgt door natuurrampen, inbraak, diefstal, botsingen met dieren of ruitschade
  • Je schade maakt aan je eigen auto, bij volledig casco is dit ook gedekt
Direct Vergelijken
autoverzekering auto ongeluk (6)

Quality Service and Customer Satisfaction!

We use the latest diagnostic equipment to guarantee your vehicle is repaired or serviced properly and in a timely fashion. We are a member of Professional Auto Service, an elite performance network, where independent service facilities share common goals of being world-class automotive service centers.


Technicians & Workers


Vehicle Repaired

What We Do

We offer full service auto repair & maintenance

Preventative Maintenance

The best way to minimize breakdown is doing routine maintenance

Most Common Repairs

We have over 30 common car repairs and the list is growing

Brake Repair & Service

The best way to minimize breakdown is doing routine maintenance

Your Automotive Repair & Maintenance Service Specialist

Schedule Your Appointment Today


Why Choose Certified Service?

We partnered with Repair to bring you the most sophisticated fair-price estimates

We bring you the most accurate and fair-price service estimates
Covers parts and labor on qualifying repairs and services for 24 months/24,000 miles
Trusted Service Centers are certified for high quality